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Another Chance for the Luna Queen by Aurora Starling

Chapter 330
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Chapter 0330 It had been days since the announcement of the manhunt, and still, there hadn't been a single report. It didn't make any sense. Amanda was well-known-people would recognize her.

I couldn't understand where she had gone or how she was hiding so effectively. And that scared me. Amanda was unpredictable at the best of times, but now, she was desperate.

"It's going to be okay," Fiona said reassuringly. "You're not alone-we're watching your back." "Thanks," I said weakly, picking up my cocktail and taking a deep drink. I had been trying to push Amanda from my mind, to ignore the anxiety coiling in my stomach, but clearly, I wasn't doing a very good job of it if Fiona had picked up on it so easily.

"Let's get out of here!" someone suddenly called out.

Fiona and I looked up to find one of Elizabeth's cousins standing tically, already donning her coat.

"I think we've sucked all the fun out of this place," she declared. “Let's go find somewhere else to party." "Like where?" Elizabeth asked uncertainly.

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"I know a place," she said with a broad smile. "The DJ is great, and the dance floor is always packed." "That doesn't really sound like my scene," Elizabeth hedged.

"Oh, con," her cousin replied, rolling her eyes. "You only get engaged once, right? Let's have sfun and celebrate! Cut loose a little. The world won't end if you actually enjoy yourself for once." I opened my mouth to defend Elizabeth, but before I could speak, she slammed her hands down on the table and stood abruptly.

"You know what?" she said. "You're absolutely right. We're supposed to be celebrating. There's no reason to hold back-let's go dancing!" A cheer went up around the table, and before I could fully process what was happening, everyone was grabbing their coats and heading out the door.

Fiona linked her arm through mine as we walked out together.

It was cold outside, and clusters of people huddled near the buildings, chatting and smoking. I let Fiona leadas we followed the others, who giggled and did silly dance moves across the sidewalk.

At the crosswalk, the group paused to check for cars. Then, without waiting for the light to turn green, Elizabeth's cousin the one who had suggested we go dancing-giggled and dashed across the street.

Elizabeth, her other cousin, and Damian's sister followed without hesitation.

Fiona urgedforward, but I hesitated. Sensing my reluctance, she released my arm and kept going, not wanting to be left behind.

I hurried after them, scanning the sidewalk on the other side of the street as I went. Then, a sound made my blood freeze the screech of tires, followed by loud cursing and then screaming.

I turned my head just in tto see a car tearing up the street, swerving wildly from side to side, barreling straight toward me.

I tried to run, but my feet felt glued to the pavement.

Suddenly, a strong set of arms wrapped around my waist. Before I could react, I was lifted off my feet and thrown Chapter 0330 backward-just as the car sped past, missingby inches.

I hit the ground, my palms scraping against the pavement as I caught myself.

Panting, adrenaline coursing through me, I stared up in shock.

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James was standing over me, his face a mixture of horror and relief.

"Thank God," I whispered.

He nodded, as if in silent agreement.

The car continued down the street, taking a turn so sharply that for a momenti could swear two of its tires lifted off the ground before it disappeared around the bend.

"What the hell was that?" Elizabeth cried in distress.


guy must have been drunk," one of the other girls said. The content is on novelenglish.net!

I looked at James. I could tell we were thinking the sthing. That wasn't a drunk driver.

That was targeted.

Chapter 0331