Chapter One Hundréd and Forty
Chapter One Hundred and Forty
"You really are that pathetic, aren't you, Commander Aric? | questioned. Aric didn't deserve the title-we both
knew that.
Just when | thought the man couldn't get any more stupid, he provedwrong. | had found him before he could
reach Kaida. When I'd said | would keep him away from her | meant it. | had installed high-tech cameras,
monitoring nearly every corner of this pack. | had spotted him heading to her room- our room. The pack soldiers
had brought him straight to me.
"You don't understand; | have to see her right now." he said, there was an edge to his voice, but he was in no
place to make demands,
"Well, you don't get that privilege anymore. You lost it the moment you drugged her, remember?" | reminded
“I—I shouldn't have lied. | shouldn't have told you all those things about her not wanting you. You're all she ever
talks about. She cares about you-a lot. And it... it madejealous. I've been by her side for years, yet she never
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtlooked atthe way she looks at you..."
"Save it, jackass. No one gives a damn about your sob story. | don't even know why | keep you alive."
"Neither do I. | believed you would killthis time, but strangely you didn't."
"For sreason, my sweet mate still feels skind of obligation to keep you... alive. Berwarned, Commander
-you're walking a razor-thin line, and it's only a matter of tbefore it snaps. When it does, I'll be right there to
make sure you don't take another breath." | said with a small smile, | couldn't help but imagine how entertaining
it would be ripping off his head from his body.
"She is so... pure," he said, sounding almost dazed. But | knew exactly who he was thinking about-my mate.
"She is," | agreed. "Sometimes, | wonder if | even deserve her. Truth is, | don't... but you? You never even had the
right to."
"She hates me," he said, almost as if he expected sympathy or maybe he was just finally accepting the obvious. |
wondered if Kaida would notice if | quietly killed him and dumped his body in the river. "But | have to see her. |
don't know why 'she' cto this pack, but | have to find out." He paused as if realizing he had said something
he shouldn't.
| didn't know who he was talking about. Who had visited the pack? He didn't seem to be referring to Kaida; it
seems there was another woman involved in this discussion.
"I have been watching her; she is not in any form of danger at the moment, so you may leave, and next t|
you trying to sneak into her room, I'll chop off your fingers- | don't think Kaida would mind that." | promised. He
walked away without a single word, but | still caught the concerned look on his face. Through the camera, |
hadn't seen anyone enter her room, but | wasn't going to take any chances-not when it cto her. | left my
office and headed straight to our room, throwing the door open. Just as | thought, she was there, all sweaty-
probably from her daily exercise.
"Did you forget something?" She asked, knowing this was nowhere near the tfor my return; | should be
No. I didn't; | just wanted to make sure you were alright."
The confusion faded from her face, replaced by a smile. | loved watching her
smile it was so infectious that | found
myself smiling RAY amoment, |
ves mph re the piles of
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Chapter One Hundred and Forty
here with her. It took everything ip, me
to push that thquaiXdsite his pack
Reon is on!
generated a lot of money on a daily
basis but consumed qeyeat deal To
ep TRpaice | Pg to get back to
rk. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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