288 Mouchers
My friend pulled up Antonio’s Facebook profile.
“Antoand Stella have been inseparable lately.
“Anyone who didn’t know better would think were the woman in his photos.”
Antohad blockedon Facebook.
He had never posted a single picture of me.
Now, his profile was plastered with images of Stella’s back: at amusement parks, trying on wedding dresses,
watching the sunrise over the ocean.
It was clear he was deeply in love with her.
My friend looked atwith concern.
“Don’t be too upset. If Antoknew about Stella’s past, he would break up with her.”
“I'm fine. I'm over him,” | smiled, genuinely feeling a sense of
In a few days, I'd be gone from this place forever.
| wouldn't waste another moment grieving over Antonio.
When Antonio, whom | hadn't seen for days, showed up, | didn’t react.
He glanced around, happily texting someone. “Didn’t you
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decorate the house?” he asked.
“You said you wanted to keep things simple. So did I.”
288 Wouchers
He said nothing, his gaze falling on the small checkboard where I'd been counting down the days until the
wedding. “Tflies. Our wedding is in a week.” He said with a smile.
| erased the number and wrote “5“. “Our wedding is in five days.”
Antonever paid attention to the details of my life.
My mother called, and | stepped onto the balcony to take the call.
When | returned, Antowas still engrossed in his phone. “Who was that? | thought | heard you mention a visa.”
“Work,” | said indifferently.
“By the way, don’t bother planning a honeymoon. I'm too busy.” Antocontinued, still staring at his phone.
“I know.” | started packing my suitcase.
Since Stella's return, Antocouldn’t bear to be away from
Seeingpack, Antosuddenly asked, “Where's your ring?”
A moment later, he realized he wasn’t wearing his either.
“I lost it,” | said casually, unconcerned about the whereabouts of his ring.
Antolooked like he wanted to explain something, but his phone rang with Stella's unique ringtone.
He glanced at it, stood up, and kissed my forehead. “Sorry, honey. Work has been crazy. | promise to make you
the happiest woman alive once this is all over.”
He was suddenly overflowing with sweet nothings.
| felt disgust instead of joy.
I ignored him and continued packing.
Tcrawled by.
The day before the wedding arrived.
The corresponding note on the calendar read “family dinner.”
It had been my greatest wish for over two decades.
But | knew it would never happen.
My mother would never forgive my father, and | would never forgive Antonio.
I went to the Ferris wheel alone and watched the sunset.
Meanwhile, Stella posted a picture of a large family dinner.
My father was smiling at Antoas he served him food.
The caption read, “Both families met to finalize the wedding details.”
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| was amused, not angry.
Whose wedding, | wondered. Stella’s or mine?
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| blocked and deleted Stella. | started to type a message to Antonio, but after several revisions, | decided against
Just as | was about to leave, Antocalled, “Where are you? Why aren't you at home? Sendyour location. |
miss you.”
He arrived shortly afterward.
Getting into the car, | noticed a pink cushion on the passenger
Beneath it was a pair of white lace underwear.
| sighed and climbed into the back.
Antonio, still glued to his phone, didn’t notice.
He casually asked, “Why the sudden trip to the amusement park? Are the wedding preparations finished?”
“Almost,” | replied flatly.
“I remember you've always wanted to ride the Ferris wheel,” Antocontinued. “I'll take you sometwhen
I'm free.”