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My Love Until the Last Goodbye by Alut

Chapter 936
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Chapter 0936


“It’s funny... How do you remember all that? | only remember our life together-seeing Camille with her

daughters at home, Frederick at the office every day, and my little dove running through the hallways of the


“Marcus, you're always so absentminded!” Valerie teased, knowing full well he remembered everything but just

liked to play devil's advocate.

“Hey, do you know if Serenity has picked out her wedding dress yet?” Marcus asked, shifting topics.

“We've gone shopping a few times, but she still hasn't decided. Her hormones are all over the place,” Valerie

said, thinking back to their last outing.

It had been a strange trip-Serenity, Valerie, Emma, and Laura had all gone to find dresses for the wedding.

Everyone had found theirs except for Serenity.

[A week ago]

“Serenity, sweetheart, what's wrong?” Valerie asked, watching her daughter grow more and more frustrated.

“Nothing! It's just... Every dress | try on doesn’t feel right. | don’t feel comfortable in any of them. The wedding is

days away, and every twe chere, nothing looks good on me!” Serenity blurted out before bursting into


“Sweetheart, breathe. We can cback another day. You'll find the perfect dress, | promise,” Valerie said,

pulling her into a comforting hug.

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“Mom, I'm sorry for being like this. | don’t know what's wrong with me. One minute I'm happy, the next I'm

crying, then I get angry... | can’t focus on this right now,” Serenity said, wiping her tears.

“My love, let's do something. Let's stop worrying about the dress for today and go get sice cream. A little

sugar will help clear your mind, and after that, everything will seem a little easier,” Valerie suggested, trying to

lift her daughter's spirits.

She knew exactly what Serenity was going through-pregnancy hormones were no joke. She had been through

three pregnancies herself, and while John’s had been the easiest, the first and last had been an emotional

rollercoaster that had nearly broken her.

[Present day]

Valerie and Marcus were watching a movie that John had picked. The babies were happily playing on the fluffy

rug, and everyone was entertained by Finding Nemo. Suddenly, an idea popped into Valerie's head. Without a

word, she got up and rushed to her closet, trying to reach a box on the highest shelf.

“What are you looking for, love?” Marcus asked, watching her jump to grab the edge of the box.

“Stop staring and help me!” Valerie huffed, glaring at her husband.

“Mrs. Bartz, that's what the step stool is for,” Marcus said, pointing to it under the shelf. “But don’t worry-I'll

always be happy to reach high places for you. Now, what's in this box?”

“This box holds my wedding dress!”

“You brought it?".

“Yes! | realized it got mixed up with a few other things. When | found it, | decided to keep it here before sending

it back to Hesperia. And now | have an idea,” Valerie said, carefully unfolding the dress.


Chapter 0936

“Serenity loved this dress when she was little,” she said, running her fingers over the fabric.

“What idea do you have in mind?” Marcus asked, intrigued.

“Serenity has been struggling to find

a wedding dress. | didn't tell you

because | os dN @antié bling in

eyen dBigner in the world to fix a

hormonal problem,” Valerie teased,

cutting him off before he could

protest. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

“So, what's your plan?” Marcus asked, shifting uncomfortably.

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“I'm going to show her my dress. If

she likes it, we can ysepars of if to

create ANEW {hat fits her perfectly.

She'll be comfortable, and she'll get

to wear the dress she loved. a8 411

child. | think this iol Be avery

spetial gift. Don't you?" Valerie said,

feeling pleased with her idea. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

Chapter 0937