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My Love Until the Last Goodbye by Alut

Chapter 937
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Chapter 0937

Lately, Sebastian had developed a habit of visiting a particular café near the university. Every afternoon, without

fail, he would sit at the sspot, sipping an Americano.

It wasn’t that the coffee was the best in town, nor was it the trendiest place. The real reason he kept coming

back was her.

A girl with deep blue eyes and a captivating gaze worked behind the counter, preparing coffee. She had piqued

his interest. Until now, he had only seen her eyes, the rest of her face hidden behind a mask while she worked.

But one evening, as he left the café, he ran into her-and this time, nothing was covering her face.

She was beautiful.

From that night on, Sebastian hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. That was why he kept coming back

every afternoon, ordering the scoffee, and staying until late at night.

And he wasn’t as subtle as he thought.

The girl had noticed him too. Every evening, while he was focused on his university work, she would steal

glances at him, One day, she decided to make the first move.

On his coffee cup, written in marker, was a simple note:

“I'm Amanda.”

Sebastian's body tensed the moment he read it. He had dealt with women before, but this was the first tone

had made the first move.

That night, he made up his mind-if Amanda had introduced herself, then the least he could do was talk to her.

Before, Lucius had never been shy, but love had never been a priority. His life had always revolved around

fulfilling the expectations of Frank Levett, his grandfather, and Leonardo Palmer. What little the had left had

never been spent thinking about romance.

Amanda’s shift usually ended at 9:30 PM. The university dorms had strict entry hours, so she always left on time.

As she walked out of the café, she rummaged through her bag, not expecting what cnext.

“Jesus! You scared me!” Amanda gasped, jumping back.

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“Sorry! | didn’t mean to startle you... | just... well...” Sebastian struggled to find the right words.

“Relax! Just don’t sneak up onlike that again-I almost sprayed you with pepper spray!” she said, frowning.

“Your nis Amanda?”

“That's right! Amanda Hayward. And you're Sebastian Sinclair-you recently switched to law school, didn’t you?”

she asked casually.

“How do you know that?” Sebastian asked, surprised.

“Well... because I'm in the sprogram. | saw you when you first started attending classes. And then, of

course, I've seen you here every day, working on your assignments,” she said with a grin.

“You probably never noticedbecause | always sit in the back-makes it easier forto slip out for work.”

“| see... Small world,” Sebastian mused. “Hey, uh... can | walk you home?” he asked, a bit nervous.

“Well... | don’t have a hhere. | stay in the university dorms.”


Chapter 0937

“Then can | at least walk you as far as I'm allowed to?” Sebastian offered.

“Sure! That way, you can tellhow today’s criminal law glass went,” she said as they started walking.

“Well, not to brag, but... | actually didn’t go to class today, Sebastian admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “I

had serrands to run-my family’s visiting soon. Sorry | didn’t know you needed notes...”

“Hmm? Don’t worry, | was just making conversation,” Amanda said, waving it off. “And... Sebastian Sinclair,

where are you from? Because you're definitely not a Kiwi.”

“I'm from Valentia,” Sebastian replied honestly.

“Wow! You're really far from home. I've never been to Valentia. I've been to Spain, England... and a little bit of

Hesperia,” she said, her tone light and easygoing.

Sebastian couldn't believe this was the sgirl who made his coffee every day. She was so talkative-outgoing

and confident, completely different from the quiet, masked barista behind the counter.

“So, why did you choose law?” Amanda asked.

Sebastian paused, thinking of the best way to answer. He decided to be honest.

“I originally studied commerce. But then, like skind of revelation, | switched to law.”


“A while ago, my mother and | had...

issues with certain people in UF

lives. Honestly, thetro)déa he to

hElfheP NG matter how much |

thought about it, everything led back

to my mother's husband—-my father.”

“So I'm not the only one with father issues...”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, you've only mentioned two people, and neither with much enthusiasm...” Amanda observed, unknowingly

hitting the mark.

“My sister's husband is a judge in Valentia. He's one of the best lawyers and ministers in the country.”

“And he’s the reason you're studying law?”

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“Well... he’s done more for justice

than anyone. No one saw it m

coming-how thing3uoidt im out

far, rm Now he made a deal with

my mother, and because of that, |

decided to study law.” The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Really? | think you're studying law because you admire him.”

Sebastian and Amanda kept talking late into the night. But when Amanda finally reached her dorm, she realized

something horrible—she had missed curfew.

Her heart sank as she tried the door, only to find it locked.

“Oh no...” she muttered, panic setting in.

She had completely forgotten that

the dorms had a very strict epi

policy. Most of bef Hida nd

rSorimates were inside, meaning she

had nowhere to go for the night. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!