Chapter 70 Arthur Has Seen Me
“What's going on?” Evic hurried back and, spotting Charlotte passed out, fired off a quick question.
Diana filled her in on the basics, carefully sidestepping the parts. she didn’t know. Evie clutched her chest,
shuddering. “Jesus, that was close. Can you imagine what Arthur will do if he finds out Ms. Aroma is actually
Diana cut to the chase, her voice cool and clinical. “He runs. Harrison Group. The guy's royalty and doesn’t take
kindly to being played. Lottie’s the first person stupid enough to try-and she’ll pay dearly for it.”
Evie threw up her hands. “I swear, he’s not even human. Why stay married if there's no love?”
Diana went quiet and thought, “Love? Who can really draw those lines? Maybe Arthur has just gotten used to
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtCharlotte's constant presence, her endless giving. Remove that, and anyone would feel off-balance. Or maybe-
but no.” Diana dismissed the other possibility before it could fully form.
Morning came. Charlotte jolted awake in an unfamiliar room, last night's events crashing back. Her hand flew to
her face-no mask. Panic seized her. She thought, “Oh God. Arthur has seen me. I'm dead.”
“Lottie.” Evie’s voice broke through her spiral. “You're awake.
Chapfer 70 Arthur Has Seen Me
have been toast.”
Charlotte blinked. “Arthur didn’t see my face?”
Evie shook her head. “Nope. But he wants to meet you today.”
Diana stepped forward with a plan. “I told him your face was badly burned. We'll need sserious makeup
magic to sell it.”
Suddenly alive again, Charlotte practically tackled Diana in a bear hug. “Diana, you're a lifesaver. | was already
picking out my funeral flowers.”
Evie muttered dryly, “Keep this up, and you might need those flowers for real. One of these days, you'll push
your luck too far.”
Charlotte was speechless. After breakfast, her mind raced with possibilities. Evie walked in, mysteriously
clutching a toolbox. “What's that?” Charlotte asked.
With a theatrical flourish, Evie opened the box. “Surprise. Bet you didn’t know-I've got another trick up my
sleeve. Special effects makeup artist, baby! | used to be the go-to guru in film. crews. This? Total child's play.”
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmCharlotte's eyes lit up. “Showwhat you've got.”
Hours flew by. Diana popped in. “The meeting's set for two this
“Done.” Evie made her final touch and held up the mirror. “Behold!” Charlotte looked-and nearly jumped out of
her skin.
Her once-perfect face was now a horror show-pockmarked
Chapfer 70 Arthur Has Seen Me
angry burn scars, and no eyebrows. Her eyes‘ edges were seemingly melted by flames, Grotesque didn’t begin
to cover it. But the lower half of her face remained untouched-creating a split so jarring, it was almost beautiful
in its wrongness.
“Wicked!” Charlotte breathed, turning this way and that. “Arthur won't stand a chance of recognizingnow.”